I have set up this site as a place to discuss and publish some of my research, somewhere to pose questions and share ideas and a repository for resources like published papers and my PhD thesis.
Currently there are four main areas:
- The wing membranes of pterosaurs, in particular how I have approached the issue of creating scaled materials that can be used in flying models.
- Design and construction of a flying model pterosaur. What I am hoping achieve, why it is different from previous attempts and updates on where I have got to.
- Research into bird flight and its evolution. Not much on this at present as there is a lot of work in progress for publication, but I will provide a general background to the questions we are asking and our approach to resolving them.
- The limits to size of flying vertebrates.
Right at the end you will also find a little bit about my other life: developing and promoting sustainable energy.
I also get out sailing when I can.